Showing posts with label discernment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label discernment. Show all posts

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Giving Prophecy


As we began discussing the book of Zechariah in Sunday School class today, brother Rob said he had to wonder what things we are doing that "make God mad," so much that He would send a prophet to tell us, "Just STOP that !!"

Rob's a good brother, whose honesty I admire a lot: and hearing his question, I felt like God was saying to give him the message I've been hearing from Him.  (There's such a thing as doing the right thing at the wrong time or in the wrong way, so I was careful to ask God if I should speak it out right then in class, or tell Rob privately later.)

So after class I caught Rob, and referenced his question.  I think I remember, a few hours later, pretty verbatim what God gave me to say.   I first urged Rob to discern, as we're commanded to do in scripture, if what I spoke was God's word.  Then I told him, "God says, 'My people must stop following liars and workers of unrighteousness, and saying "This is God's way." ' "  Then I told him again to discern if this was God's word.

On the face of it, I don't see how "stop following liars and workers of unrighteousness" could be discerned as a word NOT from God's Spirit.  Who but God would say that ?  Obviously the "father of lies" would not be in the business of telling Christians to NOT listen to his recruiters.

But the biggest discernment problem for Christians in America in these times is discerning anything that touches on politics.  Some Christians react strongly against speaking about anything politically controversial: which lets virtually all individual and societal sin off the hook, in a time and a nation where politicians have made everything political.  Other Christians are so governed by a factional mindset (which they often self-delude is a "Christian" mindset) that they can only believe any word critical of their faction and its beliefs is the work of the "enemy" faction...and could not possibly be from God.

Probably many American Christians in those two camps would hear the prophecy God gave me as being "political"...which it is.  Those who follow Trump and the "conservatives" would hear it as critical of their faction...which it is, though not about their faction only.

The discernment problem I would most foresee is that both the Trumpites and the don't-touchites would be unable to hear God saying anything that didn't fall comfortably within the circle of acceptability they themselves drew.

The reasoning seems to be that God doesn't give "political" prophecies.  Or that He doesn't prophesy against our politics: how could He, when our faction is on His "side" !?!?.  But scripture shows, MASSIVELY and REPEATEDLY, He does.

I can't help being curious what Rob will do with discerning the word I gave him from God.  If God wants me to know, I'm sure He'll let me know.  But the point was obeying Him to give His word, and let it do His work, to His glory.

And AMEN !!


Monday, April 20, 2009


I have serious reservations about the value of blogs. It's amazing that we can broadcast our every thought and opinion to the entire world. But the value of that ability depends on whether or not we have anything to say worth hearing. Some do: but vastly more blogging seems merely self-indulgent spews of teen angst, ditto-head regurgitation, and sports trivialities.

I think that's a factual summary, and not elitist disparagement. I'm a middle-aged, middle-class, Middle American. I'm sure those circumstances influence the way I see things, and even what things I'm able to see. Nobody's simply a product of his environment; but it would be disingenuous to deny its pervasive influence. Mine is decidedly ordinary, even dull: nothing "elite" in any sense.

I have further reservations about the democratic principle underlying blogs, that every person's opinion matters. That's certainly true in a personal sense: the ideas we operate on absolutely determine what WE become. I'm skeptical the principle has any larger application. Reality is what it is, and our opinions about it...mine included...don't make any difference. The will...not "opinion"...of the One who created and sustains it is the only relevant fact.

Since I consider blogs of limited value, and doubt that opinions matter, it's fair to ask why I would write a blog; and a better question why anyone should read it.
The short answer is that sometimes God gives me something to say, and I say it.

Some people find it presumptuous to say I have the gift of prophecy. But scripture says all may prophesy; indeed, urges us to earnestly desire to prophesy. I desired that gift, and asked for it. God gave it to me.
My understanding is that the charismata ("grace gift") of prophecy, like all charismata, is given to build up Christ's Body, the Church. I don't consider the gift is for me, or that it says anything about me except that I believed God, and was willing to receive what He was pleased to give.

For those who don't believe God still gives charismata,
it would be a waste of time to read any further. I'd urge you to seriously re-think what you believe God can or will do. In the meantime, you probably shouldn't expect to hear anything here from God if your theology says He isn't speaking in prophecy anymore.

For everyone else, the scriptural command applies. My job is to hear what God is telling me to say, and say it. But I don't always hear, or say what I hear, perfectly: and sometimes my voice is ONLY my voice. It's wisdom, and a scriptural command, that we
discern God's voice: when God is speaking, His Spirit will attest His words to your understanding. The scriptural command applies here, and in every other part of life: discern what God says, and do what God says.