Showing posts with label anti-Christ. Show all posts
Showing posts with label anti-Christ. Show all posts

Friday, July 12, 2019

Richard Nixon: Corruption and Anti-Semitism


NPR's "Marketplace" does an amazing job of making sense of today's economics
and business.  They are even able to make those complexities understandable
to someone, like me, totally ignorant of how "the market" works.

A recent question they dealt with was whether government economic statistics
can be manipulated by politicians, to their purposes.

One historical example they cited was Richard Nixon's successful "cleansing" of
Jews from the Bureau of Labor Statistics after BLS released monthly reports that
he felt made him look bad in the run-up to his 1972 re-election.

The Oval Office tapes he was forced to release during the Watergate investigation
included a July 1971 meeting where Nixon railed to his Chief-of-Staff H. R. Haldeman
against the "Jewish cabal" in BLS he believed was conspiring against him with Jewish
Federal Reserve Chairman Arthur Burns.

Nixon ordered Haldeman to "count how many Jews" were in the BLS, and the Bureau
was re-organized soon afterwards, with two of its top Jewish economists transferred
to other offices.

Fortunately, safeguards were put in place after Watergate to protect the integrity and
independence of BLS data-gathering and reporting.

But I find it interesting that the previously most-corrupt American President, who was
for political purposes a "friend of Israel;" was personally a ranting anti-Semite.

That could well be the character of  the end-time ruler whom we consider (and here
I emphasize "we consider") is anti-Christ.  One of scripture's signal prophecies about
that ruler is that he will make a 7-year covenant with Israel, and break it after three-
and-a-half years (Daniel 9:27).


Friday, June 15, 2018

anti-Christ Today: Beyond Speculation


Speculation about some world-figure being the anti-Christ is usually misguided: and indeed, intentionally misleading.  It's point is usually to "prove" that some world-figure, whose politics are contrary to those of the self-appointed "prophet'," is the person scripture calls "anti-Christ."  Satan loves nothing better than that we vigilantly watch for his approach, in a direction he's not coming.

I heard enough of such speculation from my "conservative" family to have become skeptical of it, long ago.  The first world-figure I heard them claiming was anti-Christ was John F. Kennedy.  But a few years later, they were convinced that Richard Nixon was a man who'd done nothing wrong, brought down by his enemies' lies.  That level of misdirecting political "discernment" remains characteristic of "conservatives" and their Christian "prophets."

I'm myself convinced that anti-Christ is pre-eminently a spiritual figure, and will only be recognized by spiritual discernment...and only at the time God is pleased to reveal him to the faithfully spiritually-discerning.  "Discerning" him by one's politics has to be the greatest self-delusion there could be: and inevitably misleading to all who accept it..

But there's substance and reason for talking about the Anti-Christ: the Bible clearly tells us definite facts about him.  That much is beyond speculation.  Revelation13 and 17, for example, say satan will give him "authority," and that he will direct the "kings of the earth" in battle.  It's therefore clear that the Anti-Christ will be a person of world-stature and fame, with worldly political power and influence.

It's misguided to interpret him, and end-time events, by politics, as most speculation about the Anti-Christ does.  It's entirely wise, however, and obedience to Jesus' command to "the crowds" in Luke 12:54-56, to analyze "the times"...including political events and the discernment the Spirit gives us.

In that discernment we probably should understand that the definitive spiritual fact about the Anti-Christ is that he will be the embodiment of satan's spirit, as Jesus was of His Father's Spirit.  And God has attested to us some truths about the spirit of satan.

Pride may be satan's greatest characteristic.  The "taunt against the King of Babylon" in Isaiah 14 is generally understood to be addressed to satan.  It quotes him as saying "‘I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God...I will make myself like the Most High" (vv. 13-14).  If this scripture attests that willful self-pride was satan's own "original sin:" we should probably expect it will be a prominent characteristic of his "son," the Anti-Christ.

Similarly, the two characteristics Jesus singles out as showing that spiritual paternity in those He's confronting in John 8:31-47 are "lies" and "murder."  As I've mentioned before, I think we have to understand Jesus' mention of "murder" here by His definition of murder in Matthew 5:21-22: hateful contempt for others.  (It's worth noting that He finds these spiritual characteristics of satan in people "who had believed him," v. 31.  We should therefore probably consider it possible the same could happen in our time.)

Does honest spiritual discernment call to mind any current world-figures whose manifest character is pre-eminently what scripture says is satan's character: willful pride, lies, and angry contempt for others ?  I'm sure there's always been some degree of pride, lies and violent hatred in the character of most world-leaders...and probably in almost all human beings.  But those are manifestly the character of the current American president to a degree never seen before

The politically-minded can take the above comments as scripture-twisting for political purposes.  The politically-minded, of course, inevitably perceive all things as political.  But if what I've said above is straightforward affirmation of what scripture says, as is my intention, I'd hope readers will meditate on what scripture says.  The spirit of satan is the spirit of anti-Christ.

Scripture says more.

John wrote that "...just as you heard that antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have appeared; from this we know that it is the last hour" (I John 2:18).  If it was "the last hour" in John's time, our time, 2000 years later, is all the more "the last hour."  If the appearance of "many antichrists" was the notable spiritual event of John's time, we should expect there will be all the more "antichrists" in our time.  As Jesus is the Elder Brother among God's many children, so is Anti-Christ among satan's many children.

So I am not here identifying the current president as the Anti-Christ.  Clearly he manifests satan's spirit, and satan's spirit is the spirit of the Anti-Christ.  But satan's spirit is manifestly the spirit of all the "many antichrists" active in the world.  And there are scriptural reasons to believe the current president is not THE Anti-Christ.

If Jesus' words about "false Christs" and "false prophets" apply to the Anti-Christ...and surely they do, since he is THE epitome of would seem the Anti-Christ will be a world-leader "slick" enough " mislead, if possible, even the elect" (Matthew 24:24).  It's doubtful anyone who looks at the current president without political blinders can find him credible (plausibly "slick") in the least.  He has thus far been notably unsuccessful in misleading many Americans, and even less so world-citizens.

The caveat is that spiritual deception can trump natural commonsense.  We've seen that happen with the current president's followers, including many Christians.  With satan's maximum power of deception behind him, perhaps the Anti-Christ will not need even a fig-leaf of credibility to cover his naked lies.

But the greatest scriptural objection to identifying the current president as the Anti-Christ is that, to this point in time, he has not made war on the saints, as scripture tells us the Anti-Christ will (Daniel 7:21 and Revelation 13:7).  In part that's been a political calculation: many Christians are part of the current president's political "base;" hardcore followers whom he doesn't want to alienate.  It makes sense that neither he, nor the Anti-Christ, would attack those who willingly idolize, agree with, and follow him.

But this is a time which consequently demands our maximum Spiritual discernment, day by day, as events rapidly unfold.  I'm particularly watching the current president's response now that some Christians are speaking out against his policies (or rather whims) which contradict Jesus' teachings.  This week some Christian leaders have made fairly strong statements on that basis against his policy of separating the children of asylum-seekers and illegal immigrants from their families.  I don't find it at all hard to believe that if his wishes were thwarted a time or two by people speaking up for Jesus' teachings, the current president could easily become a violently implacable enemy of anyone who spoke up for Jesus' teachings.

We've all seen that's how the current president "wars" on anyone he considers an "enemy:" Democrats, James Comey, Hilary, John McCain and other members of his own party who disagree with him, "the lying media," Rosie O'Donnell, Obama...the list is endless.  If he came to regard those who spoke up for Jesus' teachings as "enemies," it's not at all hard to believe he would use every means at his disposal to destroy those saints: though undoubtedly Christians who remained part of his political "base" would be safe from his wrath.

I titled this post as being "beyond speculation," but obviously the last paragraphs are speculative; near-future events in the realm of possibility, but not yet reality.  That said, I'd urge readers to be rigorously spiritually-discerning of the current president in all his future pronouncements and deeds, especially toward those who publicly advocate Jesus' teachings.


Monday, December 18, 2017

How to Survive anti-Christ


A Christian blogger I've followed for some years frequently has some valuable insights.  His most recent post highlighted some kinds of persecution believers will face in the end-times, and made some good points.

I was disappointed to see the comments on that post were more about survivalist tactics (albeit generally discounting those) than anything else.

My comment was that spiritual discernment seems the most important provision we can make for surviving the end-times.  That seems the take-away from Jesus' warning in Matthew 24:24 that it will almost be possible for “even the elect” to be deceived by anti-Christ's false spirit.

We probably see that deception happening even now.  I John 2:18ff says the spirit of anti-Christ was, and is, already active in the world.

Knowing so, it seems wise to test our spiritual discernment by practicing it.

Scripture’s characterization of anti-Christ is that he will be “attractive” in the highest possible degree, on every human scale. That he will be a man more “likable” and appealing, more intelligent, better educated, more "successful" by the world's measure, and vastly more plausible and subtle in his dissembling malevolence than any human “leader” before him.

Our question must be whether we can discern the anti-Christ spirit already operative in current human leaders.  Although its manifestations...particularly that spirit's most distinguishing characteristics, lies, pride, and rebelliousness...are necessarily more clumsy and shabby in operation today than they will be when anti-Christ himself practices them, that means we should more easily be able to discern them.

We have scripture's word that the spirit of anti-Christ is "out there."  His spirit is much more blatantly obvious today than it will be when that "slick" master-deceiver arrives.  If we cannot even see where and how anti-Christ's spirit it is in operation today, we must quickly and diligently seek God for His gift of discernment.


Sunday, October 22, 2017

Who Is Mike Pence


When Mike Pence was announced as Donald Trump's running-mate last year, we were all hearing that he was chosen because he was a stalwart "evangelical" who would appeal to that Republican "base."

It seemed to work for some supposed "values voters" I knew, who were torn about voting for Trump.  I don't think any of us had really heard much about Pence before: but the "buzz" (doubtless produced by the "Christian" political machine) was good, and I heard people bring up Pence' name as the reason they thought voting for Trump was a "godly" choice.

Seeing how his relationship with Trump played out, I didn't buy it then, and don't buy it now.  Pence has defended Trump, and "interpreted" his lies to make them seem palatable: he's had no discernible influence in changing Trump's character.  Bottom line, Pence has seemed merely another shameless sycophant of the kind Trump likes around himself.

But my biggest problem with Pence was that he used his "Christian" reputation (even if it was mostly political hype) to whitewash Trump's character.  One time my daughter and I were talking about the role Pence had played in some Trump outrage, and found we had come to think of him in exactly the same words: "Christian whore."

My friend Tim in Australia and I were discussing some months ago where Trump might fit in God's end-time workings.  Neither of us considered that Trump could himself be anti-Christ.  Scripture portrays that man as a uniter, likable, a professing "believer," and widely popular: a master-deceiver, able to hide his evil spirit from his followers.  That's obviously not Trump.

But we didn't really go on to consider that any constitutional process replacing Trump (following his death or impeachment) would give us President Pence.

I blogged several months ago that post-Trump politicians (of all factions) will undoubtedly try to bring forward "...a 'leader' perceived as more honest, intelligent, and likeable than Trump," to whom people will gladly give their allegiance.  ("Who's Next ?", 6/16/17).  Again, thinking of him entirely as a creature of Trump, Pence didn't even cross my mind.

But a profile of Pence in the New Yorker this week makes me think I'd better consider Pence actually could be "who's next."   Rather than a creature of Trump, Pence has long-time personal ambitions, telling high-school friends that he was going to be President.  Nobody but Pence can know how sincere was his conversion to evangelical Protestantism; but he's certainly made it part of his political persona.  He has also cultivated a mutual relationship with the Koch brothers, espousing their causes and accepting their contributions.  Over it all, he projects a voter-friendly image of "Midwestern nice."

I highly recommend the New Yorker piece for its insight into Mike Pence' character and intentions.


Friday, June 16, 2017

Who's Next ?


Many people, even some of his former followers, are beginning to see that Donald Trump's presidency is disastrous for our country.

It makes me cautiously hopeful.  It's always good when people are honest about reality.  Living by lies (or the "spin" today's deceivers give it, "alternative facts") inevitably brings people, and nations, to a bad end.  Jesus said He IS "the Truth" (John 14:6): and scripture affirms that people and nations perish when they will not "...receive the love of the truth so as to be saved" (II Thessalonians 2:10).

It will be good when Trump is removed from the office where he has the power to do harm to the country.  But no individual politician completely embodies the enemy's destructive spirit, until antiChrist comes on the scene.

It's been clear from the start that; as much as he operates in the enemy's spirit of lies, immorality, pride, unrighteousness, and greed; Trump is neither smart enough nor "slick" enough to fill the role of anti-Christ.  According to scripture, anti-Christ will be a unifying figure who is almost universally adored and trusted.  Jesus said that deceiver would be able to "...mislead, if possible, even the elect" (Matthew 24:24).  But it's increasingly clear that the majority of  people...maybe even millions of his white "evangelical" longer believe or trust Trump.

I think it's easy to see how the enemy might manipulate our current politics to his purposes.

Those who've tied their political fortunes to Trump will frantically try to disassociate themselves from him as he sinks in public estimation.  They will try to shore up their political fortunes by putting forward a "leader" perceived as more honest, intelligent, and likeable than Trump.  They will easily find such a person: 99% of people meet that criteria.

But in the political nature of things, many who've become disgusted with the evil politics that Republicans (and the vast majority of America's Christians) have so long practiced, will be convinced that only voting counter-Republican will "save" them.

If the enemy is smart...and he is, very... he can be expected to manipulate the other parties to also offer a person smarter, more attractive, and more masterfully deceitful in hiding his evil spirit, than Trump.  The enemy's surest deception might be to give us a Democrat, or Independent, or third-party, evil "savior:" someone who appears personally and politically opposite to Trump.  That ploy could be very successful with the simple-minded, the politically-minded, and those lacking spiritual discernment...surely the large majority of humanity.

I think the Spirit is saying we should be alert, and sharply discerning, towards anyone presented us as the "anti-Trump:" and especially careful to not be deceived by his anti-Trump political credentials.