Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Conspiracy Theory


Conspiracy theories are the plague of today's world.

Worse than a plague.  The Black Death killed millions, filling anonymous mass graves throughout the world.  And with the death of their bodies, the plague lost its power to do them harm.

But plagues of mind and spirit do harm for as long as mind and spirit exist.

I used to think the harm of conspiracy-thinking was that it was untrue.

But it's not.  There truly are conspiracies.  The Soviet Communists were completely open
about theirs (if a conspiracy can be "open"), telling us to our face "we will destroy you."

But there are far too many conspiracy-theories to spend our lives trying to determine which are true.  Perhaps International Jewry really is working behind the scenes to pervert our morals, and subvert all gentile nations.  Perhaps the Trilateralists are secretly manipulating all national and international power-structures to do their nefarious will.  Or it could be the Rosicrucians.  Or the Jihadists.  Or the race-mixers.

Maybe "they" are all working together, a grand pan-conspiracy of conspiracists, to implant electronic-chips in our bodies and fluoridate our water.  Maybe "they" are all conspiring together to convince us they don't exist, and we should "pay no attention to the man behind the curtain."

But where conspiracy-thinking goes wrong: or rather, starts wrong: is its operative idea that some group of people are working behind the scenes of mundane reality, doing evil, and we should be afraid they will harm us.

Undoubtedly, evil forces are working behind the scene...and on the scene.  Undoubtedly, some evil men are always willing to (as they believe) use those forces to their advantage.  And some people are always willing to use that fact to create fear, to their advantage.

What rules conspiracy-theory out of Christians' thinking is the knowledge that God is also working behind the scene, and on the scene, in His sovereign authority.  And against God's rule no evil . . . conspirators, conspiracy-theorists, and fear . . . will EVER prevail.