Friday, March 07, 2014

God Goes to Court

My daughter's drug-case was heard yesterday. Our family went to court to be with her. Gary, one of the lay-ministers from the church she and her boyfriend have been going to, also came. She was one of two people he's been working with, who were in court yesterday.

My daughter's case was the last one to be heard. We sat for hours, listening as prosecutors cited the evidence against each person coming before the judge. I moved to sit by Gary, and told him I'd like to pray with him for people during their hearings. So we did, unobtrusively bowing our heads and praying silently.

After a while, I found my prayers changing: praying less for individuals and their individual circumstances. Praying for God's Presence, glorifying Himself.

Where can repentance, judgement, wisdom, and mercy, be more manifest in a human venue ? None of these exist apart from our God, His Presence. Where He IS, He IS glorious. AMEN !!