Thursday, November 08, 2012

We Lost

The election is over. I'm simply glad it's over. It makes no real difference for God's sovereignty over our people and nation. Indeed, belief in politics' promise to change anything important is the foremost false gospel in America today.

But elections do tell us something about where people's hearts are. In that regard, we lost this election.

Not because Obama was re-elected: that's the "political gospel" again. The Church lost this election because of what was manifested about Christians' hearts. A significant turning-point...or point of departure...has been reached.

The enemy has been substituting his political gospel for Christ's in the Church' affections for many years, shrewdly undermining Christians' true faith, hope, and love. But there's no reason we should have been blind to his deceits: God has always been pleased to give His Spirit to any who will turn from his own way and his own thoughts.

Any who WILL honestly ask Him for spiritual eyes to see, can count on His promise. But we haven't bothered to question our own thoughts and ways, or WILLed to have eyes to see and ears to hear at all.

Our alliance with the world's political factionalists started with a questionable teaching we failed to question: that God will only bless nations whose leaders are godly. And joined to it, the prideful falsehood that America is God's especial "Christian" nation.

When the Church swallowed those propositions, it naturally followed that in our democracy ("people rule") WE can (and SHOULD) do the works that leverage God's blessing.

The political faction with which Christians foolishly allied was happy to paint its candidates "godly" (it washes off easily) on the superficial "issues" it shared with Christians: gay marriage, abortion, and so forth. It was a small price for them to pay (and with counterfeit sincerity, anyway) to ensure they could pocket Christians' votes.

The factionalists didn't even bother to whitewash their candidates this time: there's not enough paint to make men rooted in the teachings of Joseph Smith and Ayn Rand look like anything but what they are: men led, and leading, in the spirit of antiChrist.

But the factionalists' candidates didn't NEED to be whitewashed this year. The political gospel has replaced Christ's among Christians enough that few notice the difference any more...or even look for it.

The election is over. The Church lost.